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Could I borrow your phone, please? www.gmfnouvellebeauce.com/stmap_21snbbax...vonorgestrel.levitra stromectol manufacturer australia The way manners are expressed evolves on an almost daily basis. In the 12th century, it was recommended that one should cough very loudly when entering a house “for there may be something doing which you ought not to see”. These days it’s easier to ring the bell. The word “etiquette” derives from the French word for small labels or tickets attached to bags to tell you what was inside them. In the same way “protocol” comes from the Greek protokollon, which was a sheet glued to a manuscript case to show its contents. Labels or stickers attached to things proclaiming what they were and where they belonged gradually developed into written instructions for how to behave. They would be posted, for example, outside a soldier’s billet or lodging to tell him what was expected. Those who ran Louis XIV’s palace at Versailles used étiquettes (little cards) to remind courtiers to keep off the grass or whatever else was considered de rigueur in court life.
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